10 Powerful Ecommerce Statistics You Should Know

August 22, 2019

After doing 9 to 5 jobs, struggling with the daily traffic, heat, cold, dust, noise, etc. people return home dead tired. Often they are incapable of going to stores to buy daily necessaries. At that exact point, the online shopping option knocks the door.

Online shopping opened the door of new opportunities both for shoppers and sellers. According to one ecommerce statistic, it was revealed that 25 percent of the total world population shops online in 2019. Now, that’s something to take seriously.

Knowing the exact information or data can bring brighter opportunities for e-commerce business owners or entrepreneurs.

For this reason, here we are going to discuss ten compelling ecommerce statistics you definitely should know about.

1. Knowing Potential Customers

One statistic revealed that 25 percent of people of 7.7 billion world population right this time is engaged in online shopping. Now that’s a huge potential customer, isn’t it?

Now if you are an online retailer, entrepreneur, or beginner keep that in mind to target as many as a possible customer.

2. Building an Attractive Website

According to another statistic surprisingly half of the small businesses in the United States run without a website. That is undoubtedly a huge mistake. To grow with the storming online market you must set up an attractive well-built website to showcase what you are selling no matter what the product is.

3. Price Comparison by the Customer

65 percent of online shoppers do their research before purchasing any product.

As you don’t have to maintain store keeping costs physically you can set a convincing price for your product easily.

Besides that, you must advertise your product to the places where customer can easily get the chance to compare your product to the others. Google Search Engine is the best place as it is easier for shoppers to use.

4. Research Done by Customers

85 percent of the customers carefully do their research online about the product they are going to purchase.

So as you know now, make sure you provide detail information about your product so that a customer gets a crystal view about it and without hesitation makes the purchase.

5. Customers Leave After Poor Experience

80 percent of customers leave after experiencing poor service you provide. You must provide the best service to the customer so that they come back, again and again, to purchase from you unhesitatingly.

6. Customer Service

Online shoppers tend to purchase from a place where the people behind the business are easy to contact and positive on responding to negative feedback or anything.

So, start building good relationships with your customer and make customer service one of your major priorities.

7. Make Sure the Visit Turns Into Purchase

Only 2.86 percent visits online turn into a successful purchase on your website. That means only 3 from 100 customers only make the purchase and that is a severe setback.

You must work on the websites conversion rate consistently and do whatever needed so that your customer’s interest grows enough to make the purchase.

8. Extra Cost and Hustle

Additional shipping cost and taxes often make the customer leave the cart. Besides, it is found in many websites to make a customer forcefully create an account.So why wouldn’t a customer leave?

You are decreasing the price of the products to attract your customers but to cover the cost you are increasing shipping costs. That is not very wise. You can just raise your product price a little and make the shipping cost-free. Also, make sure the check out process is fast and comfortable enough.

9. Business With Omnichannel Capabilities

Most online stores have their websites, Facebook and Instagram account as well as email lists of their customers. Through these multiple channels, they run their business quite successfully.

But Omnichannel is considered the next level of the e-commerce business. Omnichannel not only includes all the channels mentioned above, but it also involves the smooth and continuous tracking of its every single customer. It includes their positive and negative feedback, their experiences, etc. using those channels.

To establish this immensely powerful strategy in your business, you must have an organization and a significant involvement of modern technology. Know that omnichannel is the future of e-commerce business.

10. Role of Smartphone in Online Business

A statistic revealed that 67.2 percent of the sales are to be performed from smartphone in 2019.

So you must make sure that your website runs perfectly when approached from a mobile device. Choose a theme that works perfectly both for computer and mobile. And also you need to make sure your website looks attractive enough no matter from which device shoppers use to reach it.


Having the right data can be a huge help to run a successful online business. Keep yourself updated by all sorts of information and tactics performed by the entire e-commerce business world. These powerful yet must-know ecommerce statistics will lead you to your success.

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